How Can Blockchain Be More Secure?

Blockchain technology is unarguably one of the most potent innovations in the past few decades. It has opened up a plethora of use cases in various industry verticals with the help of blockchain projects that brings exceptional utility for global users. However, a blockchain project requires several ingredients in the right proportions to be successful. One of the essential ingredients is funding, which is done using different crowdfunding processes. Like any other investment, crowdfunding also acts as a monetary vote of confidence from the investors for the project. However, crowdfunding processes such as ICOs (Initial Coin Offering) have gained a tainted reputation as some shady tactic to prey on investors and evade accountability. This unfair reputation is because most crypto and blockchain projects can raise hundreds of millions of dollars for the project’s development while requiring considerably less. Moreover, only some projects are transparent about the utilisation of the acquired funds, creating a rather opaque fundraising process. Escrow Protocol aims to create a fair fundraising environment by leveraging financial security to manage DeFi Funds and making Blockchain more secure. Their projects provide smart contracts with to-be respected agreements for the investment process to achieve its vision of “No More Scams”. More Trust and Minimized Risk with Escrow Protocol Escrow Protocol is a blockchain-based Web3 Oracle platform that investors can use to fund start-ups while retaining control of their contributions in a transparent environment. The project utilises the time-honoured practice of putting funds into Escrow to protect investors’ interests and releasing funding according to the completion of milestones. Escrow Protocol ensures start-up companies have the necessary funding for achieving all milestones while eliminating the risk of a total investment failure. Moreover, Escrow held funds are used in Yield Farming protocols to maximise the value appreciation as interests (12-25% APY) while paying for pay-out. Escrow Protocol rightly believes that a start-up does not require 100% of raised funds in the early stages of development. Instead, by utilising the power of Blockchain, Escrow Protocol offers a fair and transparent platform where projects and investors can agree on predetermined funding conditions based on realistic performance targets. If investors deem the development unsatisfactory, they can block further funding of the project. Escrow Protocol optimises the Blockchain by combining traditional crowdfunding with blockchain technology and easy-to-engage smart contracts. By detailing their Roadmap Milestones and Timelines, start-up projects can optimize their functionality while protecting the investors’ peace of mind.
