Did the U.S. Order Telegram Founder Pavel Durov's Arrest? Russia's Top Internet Censor Makes Big Claims

Russia’s leading internet regulator suggests that the U.S. was behind the arrest of Telegram co-founder Pavel Durov. The arrest, which took place on August 24th at a French airport, has sparked concerns that Washington may have been targeting the TON cryptocurrency. Advertisement

Durov, who holds dual citizenship with France and the United Arab Emirates, was detained at Bourget Airport near Paris after arriving from Iran on his private jet. The arrest is reportedly linked to an investigation into whether Telegram’s content moderation has facilitated crimes like trafficking. While Durov has not been formally charged, the investigation focuses on Telegram’s moderation practices. Ekaterina Mizulina, head of the Safe Internet League (a government-linked organization), shared on Telegram that Durov’s arrest was likely requested by the U.S.  The translation of her message read, “The detention of Pavel Durov did not come as a surprise to me. I have long believed that for Telegram owners, being outside of Russia is a big risk; they could be arrested at any time. Similar situations have happened before at the request of the United States.” Telegram has strongly refuted claims of misuse following the arrest of Durov, in Paris. The company explained its compliance with EU laws, including the Digital Services Act, and dismissed the allegations that Durov or the platform are responsible for user abuses, labeling these accusations as “absurd.” Following Durov’s arrest, the value of Telegram-linked Toncoin dropped 17.7%, continuing to decline on Monday. French authorities extended Durov’s detention, signaling a thorough investigation. Meanwhile, the Russian Embassy in Paris has requested an explanation from French authorities and insisted on protecting Durov’s rights and granting consular access. Durov, who left Russia in 2014 after clashing with the government over control and censorship of his previous social media platform VK, has maintained that Telegram should remain neutral and not engage in geopolitics. Despite the ongoing investigation, Durov has not publicly confirmed whether he has relinquished his Russian citizenship.

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