NFT Regulations in the Middle East: Rich Mosaic of Strategies | Cryptopolitan

The Middle East, characterized by its rich diversity and technological progress, presents a unique landscape for NFT regulations. From the advanced infrastructures of the United Arab Emirates to Egypt’s deep cultural heritage, NFT regulations in the Middle East offer varied perspectives on adopting and regulating NFTs. This Cryptopolitan guide aims to provide an in-depth analysis of the regulatory environment surrounding NFTs in key Middle Eastern nations.


Unlike many jurisdictions that categorize digital assets based on their intended purpose, the UAE adopts a use-based classification system. This method assesses each digital asset based on its actual application in the market. For instance, a digital asset initially regarded as a utility token might be reclassified as a financial product if it becomes popular for investment purposes. This flexible, use-based approach allows for a more nuanced understanding and regulation of digital assets, including NFTs.

A pioneering force in the UAE’s digital asset landscape is the Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM). As a financial-free zone within Abu Dhabi, ADGM was among the first in the world to regulate virtual assets. Its definition of virtual assets is comprehensive, encompassing any digital representation of value that is digitally tradable. It functions as a medium of exchange, a unit of account, or a store of value. Despite this broad definition, which could potentially include NFTs, ADGM’s Financial Services Regulatory Authority (FSRA) specifies that its regulations primarily focus on cryptocurrencies, digital assets, stablecoins, and related derivatives, excluding utility tokens that don’t possess the characteristics of regulated investments.

The UAE’s regulatory landscape involves the Central Bank and the Securities and Commodities Authority (SCA). The Central Bank’s regulations primarily focus on crypto assets used as stored value facilities, thus not extending to NFTs. Conversely, the SCA’s regulations cover a wide range of crypto assets, whether securities or otherwise, provided they are listed and available for trading on an organized market. This broad coverage could encompass NFTs, depending on their market use and characteristics.

The Dubai International Financial Centre’s (DIFC) framework adds another layer to the UAE’s regulatory tapestry. This framework regulates investment tokens, including securities and derivatives, through cryptographically secured digital representations of rights and obligations. Although they don’t mention NFTs, the framework’s emphasis on digital representations of rights and obligations suggests that certain NFTs could fall under its purview, depending on their specific characteristics and use cases.

The UAE’s multi-faceted approach to digital asset regulation encompasses various financial authorities with their own rules and perspectives, resulting in a potential overlap in NFTs. While NFTs may not be financial products, their treatment under UAE law depends on their actual use in the market; this could mean that an NFT used like a financial product might attract the attention of financial regulators. Consequently, entities dealing with NFTs in the UAE must be vigilant and aware of the evolving regulatory landscape, as their activities could intersect with multiple regulatory frameworks depending on the nature and use of their NFTs.

In Egypt, the intersection of digital assets with religious and cultural values significantly influences the regulatory environment. The 2018 religious decree by Dar al-Ifta, categorizing commercial cryptocurrency transactions as haram (prohibited under Islamic law), has profound implications. This stance raises concerns about national security and the potential misuse of illicit activities, shaping public and policy attitudes towards digital assets like NFTs.

The CBE has maintained a vigilant approach to cryptocurrencies. In early 2018, it cautioned against cryptocurrency trading, highlighting the risks due to volatility. The Bank’s emphasis on using officially approved currencies for trade sets a de facto regulatory boundary, impacting the acceptance and usage of digital assets, including NFTs.

Egypt’s Law No. 194 of 2020 marked a pivotal shift towards digital finance, encompassing digital finance, E-Money, and cryptocurrency. This legislation, which also touches on FinTech and RegTech, lays the groundwork for a more structured digital financial environment. While it doesn’t directly address NFTs, it signals a potential pathway for their regulation.

Despite the emerging interest, the CBE continues to express reservations about the volatile nature of cryptocurrencies. This cautious stance, while not outrightly banning NFTs, creates an atmosphere of uncertainty, leaving the NFT market in Egypt to operate within a nuanced and undefined space.

Qatar has adopted a notably restrictive stance on digital assets, particularly within its financial sectors. The Qatar Financial Centre Regulatory Authority (QFCRA) implemented a sweeping ban on virtual asset services in the Qatar Financial Centre (QFC) in 2020. This directive encompasses a wide array of activities, including trading, payments, and investment in digital assets, effectively prohibiting the recognition and use of these assets as virtual currencies within the QFC. The only exception pertains to digital asset services associated with token securities, indicating a narrow window for digital asset operations.

In contrast, the Qatar Central Bank is exploring the potential integration of digital assets, including NFTs, within the country’s stock market. This initiative underscores the Bank’s commitment to consumer protection and financial stability. The exploration indicates a nuanced approach, where some applications of digital assets in more controlled environments like stock markets are considered despite the broader prohibitions.

Further adding to the complexity of Qatar’s stance on digital assets is the proposed Qatar Digital Assets Framework. This proposed framework aims to provide legal recognition for digital assets, covering critical aspects such as ownership rights, custody arrangements, transfer protocols, and the trading and exchange of digital assets. This initiative suggests a future where digital assets might be more defined and regulated in Qatar’s financial landscape.

Despite the restrictive measures in the QFC and the broader warnings, cryptocurrency trading on external crypto exchange platforms remains a gray area. This aspect of digital asset interaction highlights a dichotomy in Qatar’s approach. While stringent regulations exist within its financial centers, the country has not entirely closed off avenues for cryptocurrency trading through external channels.

Saudi Arabia does not have specific regulations governing these technologies. This absence of formal guidelines creates an environment of uncertainty but also leaves room for flexible interpretations and potential growth in the sector. The lack of specific regulations, however, does not imply a complete disregard for the emerging technology but rather indicates a period of observation and assessment by the regulatory authorities.

The Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority (SAMA) and the Communications and Information Technology Commission (CITC) have been proactive in exploring the potential of blockchain technology. SAMA has notably launched a blockchain-based platform for interbank money transfers and is actively working on developing a central bank digital currency (CBDC). CITC, on the other hand, has developed a set of guidelines for adopting blockchain technology. These initiatives signal a positive attitude towards blockchain technology and its potential applications in improving the efficiency and security of financial transactions, supply chain management, and government services.

The Saudi government’s supportive stance towards blockchain technology is evident in these initiatives. The exploration of a CBDC by SAMA and the guidelines set by CITC suggest recognizing blockchain’s benefits to various sectors. This support indicates the government’s willingness to integrate new technologies into the country’s economic and technological infrastructure.

Given the government’s supportive attitude and the ongoing initiatives by SAMA and CITC, Saudi Arabia will likely see the development of blockchain regulations soon. The groundwork laid by these initiatives, combined with the region’s overall trend toward embracing digital technologies, suggests that formal rules could emerge to provide clarity and structure for blockchain and cryptocurrency operations within the kingdom.

Turkey lacks dedicated laws specifically for NFTs. This situation necessitates stakeholders in the NFT market to interpret and adapt to existing legal frameworks that do not explicitly address NFTs. The lack of distinct NFT legislation leads to a scenario where the application and regulation of NFTs extrapolate from the broader legal context within Turkey.

A notable aspect of Turkey’s stance on NFTs is the classification by the Digital Transformation Office of the Presidency, which considers NFTs as “qualified intellectual property deeds.” This perspective places NFTs within intellectual property (IP), recognizing them as assets that embody ownership and rights over digital content. This intellectual property-based view acknowledges the value of NFTs, aligning them with established forms of IP and legitimizing their status in the digital economy.

Under Turkish law, particularly Law No. 5846 on Intellectual and Artistic Works, NFTs receive protection similar to traditional intellectual and artistic creations; this extends copyright protection to the digital domain of NFTs. Moreover, in the gaming industry, NFTs used in-game purchases are recognized as legitimate digital assets, with transactions valid under Turkish legal standards. This inclusion of NFTs in legal frameworks governing intellectual and artistic works and gaming transactions underscores their integration into digital commerce.

For NFT marketplaces operating in Turkey, adherence to Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) regulations is mandatory. These marketplaces are required to implement stringent identity verification and transaction monitoring processes. This emphasis on compliance aims to prevent illicit activities and maintain the integrity of NFT transactions, aligning Turkey with global norms for financial and digital asset trading.

In March 2022, the U.S.-based NFT marketplace OpenSea removed Iranian users from its platform. This decision directly resulted from the sanctions imposed against the Iranian government. The exclusion of Iranian users from one of the world’s largest NFT marketplaces highlights the country’s broader challenges in the global digital asset space, where international politics and sanctions play a pivotal role.

Following OpenSea’s exclusion of Iranian users, there was a shift towards alternative NFT platforms such as Rarible and Foundation. Furthermore, there is an ongoing discussion about reversing such bans based on the argument that art, often associated with NFTs, is considered informational material and could be exempt from some transaction and sanction regulations involving Iran.

Cryptocurrencies are legal in Iran, but their use as a substitute for the Iranian Rial/Toman in domestic transactions is prohibited. This regulatory approach reflects the government’s effort to balance the potential benefits of digital assets with the need to maintain control over the national currency and financial stability.

In a move to integrate cryptocurrencies into its economy, Iran amended its legislation in October 2020 to allow the use of cryptocurrency for funding imports. This policy change signifies a strategic use of digital assets to mitigate the impact of international sanctions on its economy. Additionally, in June 2021, the Iranian Trade Ministry issued operating licenses to 30 Iranian companies for cryptocurrency mining, indicating a recognition of the economic potential of cryptocurrency mining activities.

Kuwait stands out in the Middle East for its stringent stance on digital assets, imposing a comprehensive ban on all cryptocurrency activities. This prohibition encompasses various activities, including using, trading, and investing in cryptocurrencies and related products like NFTs. The ban also extends to mining cryptocurrencies, effectively curtailing all major avenues of cryptocurrency engagement nationwide. This decisive move indicates Kuwait’s cautious approach towards the rapidly evolving digital asset market.

Kuwait’s Capital Markets Authority (CMA) plays a pivotal role in enforcing and clarifying the country’s stance on digital assets. The CMA has issued a circular detailing the supervision and regulation of virtual assets within Kuwait. This document outlines the risks the authority perceives, including concerns over market volatility, potential fraud, and the implications for financial stability. The CMA’s active involvement underscores the seriousness with which Kuwait addresses the challenges posed by digital assets.

Kuwait’s ban on cryptocurrencies also aligns with its existing laws related to AML and terrorist financing. The comprehensive ban is a measure to mitigate the risks of using cryptocurrencies for illegal financial activities. By aligning the cryptocurrency ban with AML laws, Kuwait is signaling its commitment to maintaining a secure and transparent economic environment.

In addition to regulatory measures, there is a focus in Kuwait on raising customer awareness about the risks associated with cryptocurrencies. The CMA and other regulatory bodies emphasize that cryptocurrencies do not carry legal status within Kuwait and are neither issued nor guaranteed by any jurisdiction. This emphasis on consumer education is part of Kuwait’s broader strategy to ensure that its citizens are well-informed about the legal implications and potential risks of engaging with digital assets.

In Lebanon, the regulatory framework surrounding NFTs is unique due to the absence of dedicated NFT-specific regulations. Instead, Lebanon’s approach centers on the assets that NFTs represent. This perspective understands NFTs as digital tokens that symbolize ownership or rights over physical or digital assets, similar to the handling of online transactions for physical products. The focus remains on the nature and regulatory status of the assets behind the NFTs rather than the NFTs as standalone entities.

When an individual converts an asset into an NFT in Lebanon, it carries over the regulatory characteristics of the original asset; this means that the tokenized asset type—artwork, real estate, or another form—dictates the regulatory framework applicable to the NFT. For example, tokenizing real estate would subject the NFT to property transaction regulations. This approach ensures that various assets’ legal and regulatory considerations are consistently applied, regardless of their form as digital tokens.

Given Lebanon’s asset-focused regulatory approach, each category of assets within the NFT market is subject to its specific set of regulations. An NFT representing digital art would fall under intellectual property and copyright laws, whereas one representing a piece of property would adhere to real estate laws. This method ensures that each NFT is regulated per the legal requirements of the asset it signifies, maintaining the integrity and legal clarity of various asset classes in their digital form.


To sum up, the regulatory scene for NFTs across the Middle East showcases a rich mosaic of strategies, mirroring the respective countries’ distinct cultural, financial, and legal fabric. From the UAE’s sophisticated, application-oriented regulations to Kuwait’s all-encompassing prohibition, Lebanon’s asset-centric approach, and Iran’s adaptive strategies in the face of global sanctions, these nations each carve out a unique path in the rapidly expanding digital assets universe.

This array of approaches reflects the intricate balance between embracing innovation and maintaining regulatory control. It emphasizes these countries’ significant role in the broader narrative of NFT and digital asset governance. As the digital asset sector progresses, the varied models observed in the Middle East provide critical insights into the integration of cutting-edge technologies within existing frameworks, underlining the region’s contribution to shaping the future of NFTs and digital asset regulation on a global scale.
