Why blockchain isn't banking's BFF... yet | Cryptopolitan

TLDR Blockchain, heralded as the next big thing in finance, hasn’t made as significant an impact as expected.

Its core functionality lies in being an advanced, secure, and transparent open spreadsheet.

Regulatory caution and liquidity challenges hinder its full integration into Wall Street.

When the realms of high finance and cutting-edge tech collide, it’s nothing short of spectacular. Enter blockchain: the technology heralded as the next frontier for finance. However, despite all its potential, it seems that Wall Street and blockchain are still in the ‘getting to know you’ phase.

Let’s unravel why.

All That Glitters is Not Blockchain

Remember 2015? That year, the financial world buzzed with chatter when Blythe Masters, Wall Street’s luminary, became the CEO of Digital Asset Holdings, a blockchain venture.

It almost felt like blockchain was on the cusp of wrapping its digital arms around banking. The message was clear: The future of finance is as disruptive as the inception of the internet.

Fast forward to now. Most blockchain startups, Digital Assets included, haven’t made the splash everyone expected. Sure, cryptocurrencies had their dazzling moment under the sun.

But outside this niche, the financial ecosystem remains somewhat unshaken by blockchain’s tremors. And let’s not even discuss the crypto meltdown of late, which only raised more eyebrows and further fueled skepticism.

The Essence of Blockchain

But here’s the thing. Critics and enthusiasts alike should recognize blockchain’s core. It’s not just about digital coins and wild market rides.

At its heart, blockchain is an advanced open spreadsheet, functioning in real-time, accessible to anyone, anywhere. Every single transaction or digital asset has its distinct blockchain.

What’s the magic? It’s the encryption. A secure code governs these spreadsheets. To modify, you need that exact key. It’s not merely a game of visibility; it’s about unparalleled security.

Many shout from the rooftops about blockchain hacks. Yet, in reality, these breaches target the key codes, kept away from the actual blockchain.

David Treat, a tech maverick at Accenture, points out blockchain’s potential: the gift of unadulterated transparency. In a world of finance that’s steering towards transparent, audit-friendly operations, blockchain seems like the next logical step.

Barriers to Blockchain’s Banking Romance

If it’s so groundbreaking, why hasn’t Wall Street been swept off its feet by blockchain? Well, regulators. The protectors of fair markets are inherently cautious, especially when the stakes involve enormous sums of investor money in securities. Migrating to a new system isn’t a weekend fling; it’s a long-term commitment.

And there’s the liquidity conundrum. Highly active markets are favored for their price advantages and minimal transaction costs. Even if blockchain offers superior tech, transitioning from established systems, like the colossal bond market, is no walk in the park.

Yet, it’s not all gloom and doom. Trade settlement and processing are emerging as the hottest contenders for blockchain adoption. The challenge?

Merging transactions recorded on blockchain with those off it. But companies like Web3, especially Chainlink, are making headway. Their focus is to seamlessly integrate blockchains with external data.

Moreover, traditional banking giants aren’t completely blind to blockchain’s allure. Citigroup is dabbling in a project to morph cash into digital tokens, aiming to streamline fund transfers. JPMorgan isn’t far behind, already processing inter-customer transactions via a blockchain-backed settlement network.


as Accenture’s Treat wisely points out, transformation isn’t an overnight affair. Despite the cautious optimism and the incremental moves toward embracing blockchain, the finance world remains guarded, waiting for the right moment to fully leap into this digital frontier.
