Can The Outdated Model of Advertising Actually Change?


According to Statista, online advertising is now so pervasive that 25% of people now use some kind of ad-blocking software. While ads cause some people concerns about privacy or security, research suggests that most people just think there are too many ads, or that they’re annoying and irrelevant.

Naturally, this trend is a growing concern for those in the online advertising industry. Brands rely on adverts to get their products in front of potential consumers. The greater the prevalence of ad blockers, the bigger their wasted advertising spend.

Ad publishers, which include the long tail of smaller websites and bloggers, are often dependent on advertising for at least part of their income. Even worse, if ads are seen to be annoying or irrelevant, those among their audience who aren’t ad-blocking may be put off using their site altogether.

So, the advertising industry needs a new way to engage with users. This is where Kind Ads comes in. The project has seen an opportunity to leverage blockchain as a means of making advertising less intrusive and more user-focused.

About Kind Ads

Kind Ads is a blockchain application that aims to replace the role that traditional ad platforms have provided, bridging the gap between publishers and advertisers. In doing so, it updates the traditional ad revenue model with an incentive structure based around its token, called KIND.

Using the Kind Ads portal, publishers can list their website, so that advertisers can browse and filter by the kind of target audience they want their ads to reach. For example, a company selling travel insurance could search for travel booking websites or travel blogs.

Each publisher is ranked by a scoring system that helps the advertiser to make a decision about where to spend their marketing budget. The scoring is carried out by the blockchain protocol and considers external data from sources such as Google Analytics, which provides information about the site’s lifespan, authority, number of page views, and so on.

Traditional ad platforms typically charge high commissions to advertisers, whereas Kind Ads comes with no fees, meaning marketing budgets can stretch further. Publishers also lose out to the ad platforms, who decide how much to pay per view. Kind Ads distributes 75% of revenues back to publishers, meaning that publishers have the opportunity to earn more. They also benefit from daily payouts, in contrast to the traditional ad platforms which payout monthly, and usually only after a certain threshold is reached.

Furthermore, because advertisers and publishers choose to work together on providing adverts that are relevant to the audience, the publisher doesn’t risk their reputation by serving up irrelevant ads that may be deemed annoying.

Incentivizing Ad Viewing

Perhaps the most significant shift in the Kind Ads ecosystem is for the end-user. Part of the revenue model allows users to earn KIND tokens when they agree that a publisher can show them more adverts. The user has full control over the types of adverts they’re shown, and the value of tokens paid out increases when the user grants more rights.

To expand on the example above, the user browsing a travel booking website could allow the site owner to advertise other properties and journeys for booking via their own site. The user could also choose to allow third-party advertising, such as the ads from the travel insurance company, for which they’d earn more KIND tokens. A user could even choose to opt-out of seeing any ads completely.

In a bid to stay ahead of industry trends, Kind Ads is also focusing on other channels than pure on-page ads, including channels such as email marketing and push notifications. The platform already offers integrations with several well-known email marketing services, including MailChimp and Active Campaign.

The advertising market is already feeling the impact of the digital revolution. Advertisers are using channels such as influencer marketing, chatbots, and user-generated content to get in front of consumers.

Therefore, Kind Ads has an opportunity to capitalize on this shift if it can position its blockchain ad platform as a new way of appealing to tech-savvy millennial and Gen Z markets. Perhaps for the next generation, receiving token rewards for engaging with adverts will be the new normal.
