Craig Wright's Efforts to Dismiss Kleiman’s 1.1 Million Bitcoin Trial Are Denied “On All Grounds”

Craig Wright’s tactics for delaying the Kleiman estate litigation process may be coming to an end.

The United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida has denied “on all grounds” the motion introduced by Craig S. Wright to dismiss the long-standing Kleiman vs. Wright lawsuit.

Wright’s motion was denied “on all grounds”

When a motion is denied “on all grounds,” in theory, it means that there is no argument considered valid or at least reasonable by a judge to satisfy any claim. In other words, there is no point in trying again since all the doors are closed, and risking further delay could have negative consequences for whoever tries.

In the Court’s reasoning, Craig Wright could not provide sufficient arguments to delay or dismiss the case. Therefore, the judge rejected his petition in the absolute, and the next logical step is to set a date for trial:

“Upon review, the Court found the Defendant’s arguments unpersuasive (…) The frustrating part is not know what to believe. One moment I am told that you received funding for the next 5 years and are able to get back to work on building the business. And then the next second I am told there is no progress being made with the business (…) Accordingly, the Court rejects Defendant’s assertion that Count VIII fails. As set forth above, Defendant’s Motion is denied on all grounds.”

Earlier this month, the Court decided to postpone the pre-trial work due to both parties’ joint request. Specifically, proceedings regarding the proposed verdict form, voir dire questions, exhibit list, and objections will now occur on December 15. Demonstrative and summary exhibits were moved to December 21.


Craig Wright shows what not to do on a trial

With this new ruling, the options for avoiding trial are practically nil. Craig Wright has faced several failures throughout the judicial chapter, including the impossibility of proving his ownership of the Bitcoin addresses he claimed to own, and the frustrating and amusing case of the Nigerian “bounded courier” who never showed up.

Before the real battle, this new “defeat” puts Craig Wright in a questionable position within the crypto community —and the legal community. Being a highly educated lawyer himself – also accused of plagiarizing his thesis and dissertation – it is attractive for many experts to narrate Wright’s constant failures to handle this controversy.

BREAKING Surprisingly, NO DEFAULT SANCTIONS for Craig Wright in the Kleiman v Wright case. Trial by jury it is. “perjury and fabricated evidence do not constitute fraud upon the court, because they ‘are evils that can and should be exposed at trial.’” — Arthur van Pelt (@MyLegacyKit) June 24, 2020

“Wright and his lawyers have made every effort to get out of the lawsuit, and it nearly ended once when a contempt ruling went the wrong way for him,” shared attorney Stephen Palley, adding in a later tweet, “I am only on page 9 and already my eyes hurt. Y’all owe a bucket of herring for this”

🎇BREAKING: Federal court DENIES Craig Wright’s motion for summary judgment completely. 🔥🔥Kleiman lawsuit over more than a billion dollars in bitcoin over heads to trial. 🧐🧐🧐It’s a 93 page decision! I’m going to tweetify the tasty bits, so strap in. 👇 — Palley (@stephendpalley) September 21, 2020

This is the most significant lawsuit ever brought by Craig Wright, who, in recent months, dropped other legal cases against big names in the crypto industry who accused him of fraud. Almost 1.1 million Bitcoin is at stake in this case.
