Polygon, Avalanche Founders Feud Over Subnet, Supernet Functionalities

As more and more users are entering the Web 3 space, scaling has become one of the most interesting conversations. Move over Layer 1 and Layer 2. The latest beef is between Subnet and Supernet.

Polygon co-founder Sandeep Nailwal took a jibe at Avalanche’s leadership, calling it “insecure” and “resorting to shit talking.”

It all started when Polygon announced Supernet to accelerate the adoption of layer 2 as well as blockchain technology.

The new functionality aims to address challenges such as the complexity of bootstrapping a decentralized and reliable validator set with well-designed coordination mechanisms, the technical complexity of blockchain networks, in addition to security concerns switching between different architectures, etc. For the development and adoption of Supernets, Polygon committed $100 million in funds.

Avalanche, on the other hand, is working on its ‘subnet’ functionality, inspired by sharding, and aims to significantly scale application-specific blockchains. In this regard, the layer 2 ecosystem committed $290 million in AVAX in a bid to foster the initiative.


Both concepts ultimately aim to scale blockchains but have a few nuances. Hence, Avalanche community members have cried foul that Polygon’s supernet is a copy of subnet.

The Beef

According to Polygon’s co-founder, the release of ‘supernet’ has made Avalanche leadership “scared” and accused them of being “aggressively condescending and always trying to gaslight other communities.” He also said that Avalanche mainchain “is a complete failure” and that the gas fees have “become unhealthy with minuscule traction.”

Nailwal stated that subnets operate quite similar to second-layer architecture or sidechains, something that Ethereum-based Layer 2 protocols have already been doing for years. He alleged that the community is being cheated on by yet another “Ethereum killer.”

.. sidechains/L2s. At the end if you needed sidechains/L2s to scale then how is it different than what ETH-L2 communities are doing for YEARS I m sorry to break it to you but you got cheated once again by yet another Eth killer, anon. Wake up! — Sandeep – Use Stripe on Polygon 💜 (@sandeepnailwal) May 4, 2022

Avalanche founder Emin Gün Sirer responded back, saying,

“You should work on building a chain that doesn’t go backwards every day.”

While many condoned his online behavior, the Avalanche exec simply said he would do it again.

Sorry Emin but avalanche crowd did nothing but ridicule and laugh at polygon since their supernets anouncement. Including you. I would expect a lot more professionalism from the biggest blockchain builders. — cryptodungeon (@TomasVanicekk) May 5, 2022
