Square joins patent non-aggression pact through Open Invention Network

Payments company Square has become a member of the Open Invention Network (OIN), an organization that aims to reduce patent aggression in favor of open-source software, according to a Tuesday release.

By joining as a member of OIN, Square can cross-license its patents to other members on a royalty-free basis — reducing patent risk while growing open-source platforms, apps, and services.

“As a global leader in the effort to democratize financial services, we are pleased that Square is committed to patent non-aggression in core Linux and adjacent open source technologies,” Keith Bergelt, CEO of OIN, said in the release.

The OIN is funded by Google, IBM, the Japanese computer and tech firm NEC, Philips, Sony, the German open-source software company SUSE, and Toyota. The Network has over 3,500 members, who gain access to over 2.6 patents and applications and OIN’s portfolio of over 1,000 IP assets when signing up.

Square helped establish the Crypto Open Patent Alliance (COPA), whose members vow to avoid using their crypto technology patents unless in defensive scenarios.
