Two Blockchain-Based Digital Identity Projects Are Being Developed in Argentina

Two blockchain-based digital identity projects are being developed in different regions of Argentina, with different objectives. One of them is directed to improve government-citizen relationships, facilitating these interactions in Misiones. The other one seeks to improve financial inclusion in the region of Gran Chaco. These two initiatives are being organized by Project Didi, an organization financed by the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB). Blockchain Being Tested to Certify Citizen Identity in Argentina Two new blockchain-based identity projects are now being implemented in different areas of Argentina , looking to improve the experience of citizens in the process. The first of these projects is part of the blockchain push that recently happened in the Misiones province, and it seeks to improve the experience citizens have when dealing with government-related procedures. This project will allow citizens in Misiones and Mar del Plata to simplify the actions required to obtain any document issued by the regional government. The other project will allow producers to improve their credit scores by applying new techniques to reduce their climatic footprint. A good climatic footprint score will be better appreciated at the time of giving credits in the area. This is all part of a push for a greener production industry in the region of Gran Chaco.

Project Didi Financed by IADB These two projects are part of a bigger initiative called Project Didi, the first sovereign Argentinian digital blockchain-based identity project, whose mission is to improve and strengthen state organizations by enabling them to identify citizens using these new technologies. Javier Madariaga, Project Didi’s director, commented on how this approach saves time and money for both citizens and governments. He declared:

This technological model, highly innovative in terms of digital identity, not only guarantees a secure and private administration of personal information, but also generates a highly significant reduction in transaction costs and verification of information.

Didi is financed by the IADB, which offered to support these two projects for the first 12 months of its operation. The project uses an app called ID, which allows people to save their digital identities and also economic, civic, and social data. Madariaga stressed they want more and more institutions to use their product. He stated:

Our goal is to make this digital identity model grow, that more and more organizations use it and apply it in their work processes.

What do you think about the implementation of these two blockchain-based identity projects in Argentina? Tell us in the comments section below.
