Mt. Gox Victim Issues Legal Notice to Craig Wright Over Stolen Funds - CoinDesk

A law firm representing Danny Brewster, who lost funds in the Mt. Gox hack, may take legal action against Craig Wright for his recent admission that he used to have control over a wallet connected to the former bitcoin exchange.

In his latest legal threat to Bitcoin Core contributors, Craig Wright claims ownership over a wallet address (1FeexV6bAHb8ybZjqQMjJrcCrHGW9sb6uF) that contains over 79,000 BTC that had been filched from Mt. Gox between 2011 and 2013. He is demanding the developers restore his access to that address.

Preston Byrne of the Anderson Kill law firm penned a letter to Wright yesterday on behalf of Brewster, whose lost bitcoin from the Mt. Gox hack ended up in the wallet in question.

If Wright is indeed the rightful owner of the infamous 1Feex wallet containing stolen Mt. Gox funds, then Brewster may seek an asset preservation order and bring a lawsuit against the Bitcoin SV creator.

“You and your clients Tulip Trust Limited and Craig Steven Wright, and their agents, are hereby placed on notice that our client and many others similarly situated have an equitable interest in the [b]itcoin held at 1Feex address in an amount not less than, and likely exceeding, $17,500,000 ... Your client owes our client, and likely others, a legal and equitable duty to hold any funds received by your client ... on constructive trust for our client or others similarly situated.”

The letter says this duty extends to the bitcoin on the address as well as any other bitcoin fork coins such as bitcoin cash (BCH) and bitcoin SV (BSV). 

It also demands that Wright “preserve all evidence” related to the wallet, including emails, social posts and “other electronically stored information.”

If Wright never had control over the bitcoin in the 1Feex address and can confirm this fact, then the two parties “may avoid any unnecessary litigation,” the letter concludes.
